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Box Leagues
- Teams will play each other team once.
- Teams are responsible for organising and arranging their own matches, which should be booked in the normal way via your club.
- Normal club court fees apply.
- All players will be added to a WhatsApp group for the league.
- The league will be managed using the Padel Mates app.
- Teams are awarded 2 points for each set won – matches should be 3 sets long, regardless of who won the first 2 sets so bookings should be for 90mins.
- At the end of the season, depending on the number of teams in the division, one or two teams in each division will be promoted to the division above and one or two will be relegated down.
- The winning team in each division will receive a Division Winner’s Prize.
- Each team that completes all their games will receive a Participant’s Prize.
- Play all 3 sets regardless of who wins the first 2 sets.
- Modified Golden Deuce – play 1 normal deuce per game. If it returns to deuce, the second time is Golden (next point wins) with the receiving team deciding which of them will receive the serve.
- First pairing to 6 games wins a set.
- If the score gets to 5-5, one pairing must win the next two games to win the set.
- If the score reaches 6-6 in the set, a tiebreak to 7 is played.
- The first pairing to win seven points, by two, wins the tie-break and the set ends as 7-6.
- All matches must be played at the hosting club.
- Changing ends – if at least one team would like to, players should swap ends after the 1st, 3rd and every subsequent odd game in the set. In a tie break, players should swap ends after every 6 points. If a mistake is made and ends are not swapped, even though they were intended to, the correction should be made as soon as possible. All points played before the error was discovered are still valid.
- If a match cannot be played by the end of the season, a player from each team should complete the Match Resolution Form. Your League Manager will then assess the situation and decide if either team should receive a Walkover or if the match should be recorded as a Nil Result.
- If match bookings are arranged at your venue using an app/service that that differentiates between competitive/friendly bookings e.g Playtomic, the matches should be booked as competitive. This is to aid the accuracy or levels and ratings within the apps so we can ensure continued competitiveness within each division.
- If you run out of time before the full 3 sets are complete during a match, the result of the final set will be valid only if there is a gap of 2 games. For example, if the score of the final set is 3-1 at the end of the time slot and the match needs to end then the team scoring 3 would win that set. This would need to be entered as 6-4 in the Matchspace app to be accepted as a valid score however. If there is no gap of 2 games in the score of the final set then it will be incomplete and there will be no points awarded for that set. If the first 2 sets meant it was 1-1 then the match result would be a draw and neither team would receive a winner’s point.